Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Statistics Febrero 2010

After the already used fall of December and January that I have to analyze peacefully you can ;-) see that we recover strongly the used rhythm.

evolution ikkaro even febreo 2010

Without much ado, I leave the information of this month to you.

Statistics in detail.

  • 667.545 pages dress
  • 213.909 you visit
  • 171.248 users Absolute Only ones
  • 1663 signed to the feeds in January

statistics February ikkaro

Thank you very much to all those that you do not follow.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Test of Turing

Alan Turing considered to be one of the parents of the computer science proposed a test, a method to decide if a machine is intelligent.

The test consists of the fact that a person (the llameremos assessor) will report with the entity that supposedly has intelligence and another person, without direct vision, for example that each of them is connected to a chat.

If the assessor, after rising all the questions that he considers opportune, does not manage to differentiate the human being of the intelligent entity, we will have obtained an intelligent system.

At the moment it has not become possible to spend the Turing test, we continue to the waiting.

For more information:

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Since there does a checker of batteries of 4,8V TTL

Tomeu Simó, we are sent by this Checker of Batteries of 4.8v (TTL). Great thank you.

Electrical scheme:

electrical scheme checker batteries

  • A badge of perforated printed circuit of 55x40 mm
  • Integrated circuit LM3914
  • Electrolytic condenser 2.2μF
  • Diode 1N4001
  • Potenciómetros (470 Ω, 100 Ω)
  • Resistances (10K, 20K, 2 of 280 Ω, 100 Ω, 825 Ω)
  • 10 LED's (4 red ones, 2 yellow ones, 4verdes)
  • A box to put the whole set and to hold the leds

To see the attached scheme to know the exact components.

Assembly of the components in the badge:

  • The resistances are mounted, then two potenciómetros, the electrolytic condenser, then the diode and finally the integrated one

Detail of the leds:

comprodador batteries led

Components on the badge

components batteries checker

  • The potenciometro R4 fits the threshold of intensity that comes to the leds.
  • The potenciometro R6 is the manager of the calibration of the checker.

Finished assembly of the checker of batteries

batteries checker

3.-Calibración of the checker:

There is taken a pack of batteries of 4.8v and with the polímetro the tension is verified in terminals of the battery. In accordance with this tension there looks in the attached table the number of the led that should be burning. Continued the battery gets connected to the checker, being careful with the polarity. With the potenciómetro R6 we will fit until the illuminated led is the one at that we look earlier in the table and that corresponds to the current tension of the battery. Next we put the table for the calibrated one.
4.51v - 4.60 v #1
4.61v - 4.70 v #2
4.71v - 480 v #3
4.81v - 4.90 v #4
4.91v - 5.00 v #5
5.01v - 5.10 v #6
5.11v - 5.20 v #7
5.21v - 5.30 v #8
5.31v - 5.40 v #9
5.41v - up #10
This table costs us to know that we have tension according to the led that ignites. In spite of the fact that there knows which is that of the limit that we want for our batteries, then it will be enough that it is in a top led and we will know all that loads he has left.

If you want to send to us some article, you can do it in this linkage

Torrent Melrose Place (2009) S01E14 Stoner Canyon online

Friday, March 19, 2010

The chess and the numbers.

Did you know that they exist 10 raised 120 different games from chess?


What possible number of movements in a game of 19 rounds is 38 raised to 40?


What this number is exceeded by the number of grams that one estimates that there is in the universe (2* 10^55)?


But that on the other hand there is 10 risen up to 415 free sonnets (For "free" sonnet two refers not to 14 endecasílabos of 2 more quatrains tercetas, but to 14 lines of 6 words taken randomly between 85.000)


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Tinkering School - summer Camp for apender experimenting

Seeing TED'S chat, which for my inspiration is becoming indispensable, I discover Tinkering School, possibly the summer camp that we had liked going to those that we continue and write this blog.

tinkering school

What do they do in Tinkering School?

Since basically, the children, choose projects and during his stay they construct them.

What can be better for a child to do with your own hands a roller coaster and then throw you for her? Few things, the truth ;-)

to construct a roller coaster

Certainly this roller coaster was constructed by 7-year-old children

All this is a work of Gever Tulley, which as he mentions that there is consturido the campamente than to the one that he had liked going.

Here the children and adolescents use all kinds of hardware and gadgetry; of considered dangerous for them.

children using hardware

If you want to see more project images here you have the gallery of Tinkering School

The point of view of Gever Tulley on the education and development of the children, you can see it in another conference TED, in that he speaks about 5 dangerous things that our children should do. Here it includes.

  • To play with fire
  • To take razor
  • To dismantle devices
  • To throw objects

These ideas I already consider them to be a little more controversial.

The conference: "Gever Tulley teaches life lessons across experimenting"

What does all this look like to you?

Introduction to the electrical model airplane making. Part 9

Constructing IKKARO 001.

I hope that you should have constructed some plane of indicated in the previous post. They are simple and of easy flight. As I commented previously, the target is to construct experimental devices with aptitude to keep on doing even more experiments with them, to be in consonance with the spirit of this web.

I have the prototype IKKARO001 practically built, my intention was to prove it before to begin showing the tutor of his construction, but good, I trust that insuperable problems do not arise.

I had liked using also only materials of easy access, but in the end I could not have done without the deprón. Some other solutions as for if they are more original.

Next and in successive post, I will be showing the construction of the different parts.

Before beginning, I want to warn that the things do not have to be done as I show them, want that this alone is a guide.

What I claim is that you squeeze your creativity and your innovation capacity, using the resources that each one has to hand, and learn to combine the different materials, looking for your own solutions. Like that it is as really it is learned.

The fuselage.

The fuselage is the central part of the plane. The body.

For the fuselage I mentioned already that he was trying to use aluminum. I located in a supermarket a level of material saying that it was promising. It was costing 1 euro, so I bought two units. The Chinese purify so much the material, which instead of aluminum looks like a role. Villain if we want to use it in a work, but ideal to use it in our plane.

photo of two levels.

These levels have a section in the shape of beam, also it is perfectly valid, and enclosed better, if you find at good price one with rectangular section.

In the attached plane there is the form in which it is necessary to cut it. In next post, I will complete the plane with more details. A unit is one centimeter.

To cut it two things can be done, use a saw for metal or use a retractable chopper, doing marked in the surface and taking advantage of the properties of the aluminum, to double it several times for the mark and to break it thanks to the asperity that we provoke. This operation is dangerous, ask for help and use gloves. To use the cutters, always the chopper to the minimum, blocked and cutting with the auxiliary hand behind where it goes the cut, like that it cuts ham or sharpens a pencil with razor.

Also it is possible to cut with shears, but it is necessary to go been careful not to deform it.

(in this photo it would be necessary to see my another hand as the safety norms, but I have it in the camera).

Only to mention that the profile of the level, once we take the plastic ones from him, weighs 52 grams, but he can support a force between his 2 Kilograms ends without distortion, as they show the following photos.

Following the attached plane also you can realize the surfaces of the tail, the horizontal stabilizer and the vertical one. to give them it is possible to use expensive double adhesive tape or specific glue. I have done them with depron of 5 mm, because I was the rest of a packing, they can be done in deprón of 3 mm. or with some feeding salver, already ue are small surfaces. In the following post, we will realize also the surfaces of control and important thing, the flexible union.

Not if I have already commented on it earlier, but they do not cost all the glues to stick depron and the rest of polystyrenes. DO A TEST EARLIER:

AdjuntoTamaño ikkaro001 plano1 of 2.pdf22.35 KB ikkaro001 plano2 of 2.pdf22.46 KB

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Quantum processor (I)

To answer the question about the quantum processor, I will explain first the Idea of the Quantum Computing:

It was in the 70s and at the beginning of the 80 in which there was proposed the idea of using the quantum properties of the matter at subatomic level to process information at very top speeds that the binary computers; For it there proposed a theorist (in that one of that time) information unit to herself, the qubit, which would come to be the quantum counterpart of now very well-known bit.

Fundamentally, a bit, it can only take the values zero and one, minentras a qubit can take different values inside the status (0,1), in addition to being able to have several states simultaneously; Allowing to realize more complex calculations and much more rapid than the binary computers.

Between the problems that the quantum computing find the limitations of the hardware and some of the same quantum properties that try to take advantage. Nevertheless, nowadays this one has managed to construct herself some models of quantum processor, slowly, technology has gone developing since in 2007 the company candiense D-Wave Systems announced having developed the first quantum computer; that turned out to be really a "hybrid", a digital computer, which 'was using quantum technology to solve some problems'.

The first quantum processor, of the solid, programmable state it developed in the university of yale in 2009 (or at least in this year Nature published it) by Robert Schoelkopf.

I leave them some of linkage: