Monday, March 15, 2010

Introduction to the electrical model airplane making. Part 10


Homage to tecob, (obsolete Technology), Broadcasting station of radiocontrol of 1937. (POPULAR MECHANICS). Almost portable broadcasting station.


Continuing with the construction, we are going now to show how the pieces of the tail are realized.

The staff of the tail is printed on real size. The role stands out and they are placed on the depron iron, are marked in the iron and it stands out with a cutter, helped by a metallic rule.

Next, once we have the pieces of the tail and the corresponding mobile surfaces, we are going to realize the flexible union.

so that it turns without problems the rudder and the horizontal stabilizer, we are going to realize a pair of rebajes to leave in wedge the contact side between the fixed surface and mobile. In the following photo the process appears and him the result.

Now we are going to realize the union of the fixed part and mobile with two methods. The two are valid, everything depends on the materials which you have. I have used a method for the vertical one and other for the horizontal one, so that you see the two.

Method 1.

Adhesive tape countergiven in two stretches. (this name I have invented it to myself right now).

When the hinges were done of cloth, two strips were standing out and they were making pass at the top and for below in alternative stretches, and were sticking with wooden tail.

To do this with adhesive tape, they prepare a few pieces for themselves and adhere if in a central stretch for the side of the adhesive.

next they are mounted as in the photo.

The resultant union is very effective like hinge, since the mobile surface always remains at the same distance of the fixed surface. If also you use adhesive tape with reinforcements of fibre of vidro like that of the photo, the result is a very trustworthy union.

The method 2 is simply to place a piece of transparent fixo or white seal or of the color that queráis longitudinally in the union of two surfaces, for both faces.

The tape is necessary to put it with the surface turned how in the photo, to allow the later movements.

This method has the disadvantage of which the surfaces tend to separate and which is necessary to check it occasionally do not be going to break.

It is sure that there will exist some other methods of union, miscellany of two previous ones. Do experiments!!.


To give the horizontal stabilizer in the aluminum fuselage, we are going to use expensive double tape, as the following photo shows.

To place the vertical stabilizer, we will make use of the form of T invested that presents the fuselage in the tail, and will do a central incision to him in the low part of the vertical rudder, and will fix it in the fuselage, fixing it with a little of glue (read the above mentioned on the glues in the previous post).

Here we have the mounted tail.


To use the cutters, always the chopper to the minimum requierido, blocked and cutting with the auxiliary hand behind where it goes the cut, like that it cuts ham or sharpens a pencil with razor.

Always use gloves of protection and goggles.

If you are going to work with glues ventilate well the work area, or do it in location. On tod if lasinstrucciones they come in Chinese and you do not know the language or if they come in Spanish and like that he recommends it. Also use gloves adapted in these cases.

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