Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Quantum processor (I)

To answer the question about the quantum processor, I will explain first the Idea of the Quantum Computing:

It was in the 70s and at the beginning of the 80 in which there was proposed the idea of using the quantum properties of the matter at subatomic level to process information at very top speeds that the binary computers; For it there proposed a theorist (in that one of that time) information unit to herself, the qubit, which would come to be the quantum counterpart of now very well-known bit.

Fundamentally, a bit, it can only take the values zero and one, minentras a qubit can take different values inside the status (0,1), in addition to being able to have several states simultaneously; Allowing to realize more complex calculations and much more rapid than the binary computers.

Between the problems that the quantum computing find the limitations of the hardware and some of the same quantum properties that try to take advantage. Nevertheless, nowadays this one has managed to construct herself some models of quantum processor, slowly, technology has gone developing since in 2007 the company candiense D-Wave Systems announced having developed the first quantum computer; that turned out to be really a "hybrid", a digital computer, which 'was using quantum technology to solve some problems'.

The first quantum processor, of the solid, programmable state it developed in the university of yale in 2009 (or at least in this year Nature published it) by Robert Schoelkopf.

I leave them some of linkage:

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