Thursday, March 18, 2010

Introduction to the electrical model airplane making. Part 9

Constructing IKKARO 001.

I hope that you should have constructed some plane of indicated in the previous post. They are simple and of easy flight. As I commented previously, the target is to construct experimental devices with aptitude to keep on doing even more experiments with them, to be in consonance with the spirit of this web.

I have the prototype IKKARO001 practically built, my intention was to prove it before to begin showing the tutor of his construction, but good, I trust that insuperable problems do not arise.

I had liked using also only materials of easy access, but in the end I could not have done without the deprón. Some other solutions as for if they are more original.

Next and in successive post, I will be showing the construction of the different parts.

Before beginning, I want to warn that the things do not have to be done as I show them, want that this alone is a guide.

What I claim is that you squeeze your creativity and your innovation capacity, using the resources that each one has to hand, and learn to combine the different materials, looking for your own solutions. Like that it is as really it is learned.

The fuselage.

The fuselage is the central part of the plane. The body.

For the fuselage I mentioned already that he was trying to use aluminum. I located in a supermarket a level of material saying that it was promising. It was costing 1 euro, so I bought two units. The Chinese purify so much the material, which instead of aluminum looks like a role. Villain if we want to use it in a work, but ideal to use it in our plane.

photo of two levels.

These levels have a section in the shape of beam, also it is perfectly valid, and enclosed better, if you find at good price one with rectangular section.

In the attached plane there is the form in which it is necessary to cut it. In next post, I will complete the plane with more details. A unit is one centimeter.

To cut it two things can be done, use a saw for metal or use a retractable chopper, doing marked in the surface and taking advantage of the properties of the aluminum, to double it several times for the mark and to break it thanks to the asperity that we provoke. This operation is dangerous, ask for help and use gloves. To use the cutters, always the chopper to the minimum, blocked and cutting with the auxiliary hand behind where it goes the cut, like that it cuts ham or sharpens a pencil with razor.

Also it is possible to cut with shears, but it is necessary to go been careful not to deform it.

(in this photo it would be necessary to see my another hand as the safety norms, but I have it in the camera).

Only to mention that the profile of the level, once we take the plastic ones from him, weighs 52 grams, but he can support a force between his 2 Kilograms ends without distortion, as they show the following photos.

Following the attached plane also you can realize the surfaces of the tail, the horizontal stabilizer and the vertical one. to give them it is possible to use expensive double adhesive tape or specific glue. I have done them with depron of 5 mm, because I was the rest of a packing, they can be done in deprón of 3 mm. or with some feeding salver, already ue are small surfaces. In the following post, we will realize also the surfaces of control and important thing, the flexible union.

Not if I have already commented on it earlier, but they do not cost all the glues to stick depron and the rest of polystyrenes. DO A TEST EARLIER:

AdjuntoTamaño ikkaro001 plano1 of 2.pdf22.35 KB ikkaro001 plano2 of 2.pdf22.46 KB

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